Tips for Mediation Sessions: How to Get the Most Out of Them

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Most separated parents who cannot agree about the care arrangements for their children are required to attend family dispute resolution, before seeking a resolution through the Courts. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your mediation sessions.

Write a list

Talking to a stranger about your family law matter can be an unnerving experience. It may be difficult to negotiate with your former partner when the emotional experience of separation is still raw. You might find it difficult to remember or articulate your thoughts. Before you attend your mediation session, it may help you to write down a list of any questions, concerns, or goals you wish to discuss. You can then refer back to your list during the mediation if you get stuck or veer off track.

Have a proposal ready

Preparing a document which outlines your proposal for your children’s care will give you a starting point at mediation. This proposal might consider who the children will live and spend time with, as well as any other matter relating to their care and support. Seeking guidance from a family law specialist will assist you to formulate your proposal.

Obtain legal advice before you attend mediation

Starting from scratch when trying to reach agreement about the care arrangements for your children can be overwhelming. Why not find out what the Family Law Act has to say about how a Court determines what is in the best interests of children, and seek specialist family law advice. Our team of experienced family law specialists can assist you plan for mediation.